Best Sexologist in Lucknow || PK Jain Clinic

testosterone deficiency is a more common problem among men than you would like to believe. Most men recoil away from the idea of seeing a doctor just to avoid hearing the words or thinking it is a problem that has affected them alone. Another reason that men fail to consult a doctor is that 85% of them are unaware of the problem. In case you suspect or notice yourself possessing erectile dysfunction, it is time that you paid the sexologist a visit. The main aim is not to be scared and not to shy away from it, but to consult a doctor and cure the problem. Ayurvedic treatment is a permanent solution to this problem. Address:- डॉ पी.के. जैन, बासमंडी क्लिनिक शॉप नं। 1, यूजीएफ, बंस मंडी क्रॉसिंग लाटूस रोड, होटल कॉन्टिनेंटल के पास, लखनऊ, उत्तर प्रदेश मोबाइल नंबर :- 9415402646 डॉ पी. के. जैन, महाराणा क्लिनिक 1 स्टेशन रोड, ज़ेब टॉवर, महाराणा प्रताप क्रॉसिंग, हुसैन गंज मेट्रो स्टेशन के पास, होटल मेरा मन के पास, लखनऊ मोबाइल नंबर :- 9415027773 Youtube:-