
Showing posts from March, 2021

क्या हैं नपुंसकता ?

क्या हैं नपुंसकता ? ये एक शारीरिक बीमारी हैं अथवा मानसिक रोग? दरअसल, इसके पीछे शारीरिक व मानसिक दोनों कारण होते हैं। नए शोधों से पता चला है कि मधुमेह व हार्मोन के असंतुलन से नपुंसकता हो सकती है। शरीर में किसी प्रकार के संक्रमण के कारण व्यक्ति नपुंसकता का शिकार हो सकता है या फिर शरीर में चोट लगना, उच्च रक्तचाप, धूम्रपान व मदिरापान जैसे अन्य शारीरिक कारण भी हो सकते हैं। वैसे भी आजकल बाजार में नपुंसकता को ठीक करने के लिए ढेर सारी दवाएं मिल रही हैं। अगर व्यक्ति की समझ ठीक है तो दवा की कोई जरूरत नहीं है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति को कोई शंका हो तो डाक्टर की सलाह के बाद ही उसे किसी दवा का इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए। ऐसी ही किसी समस्या का हल जानने के लिए आज ही कॉल करें!!!!

Dr. PK Jain Sexologist Clinic (Best Ayurvedic Sexologist & Sex Counsellor Lucknow)

क्या हैं नपुंसकता ? ये एक शारीरिक बीमारी हैं अथवा मानसिक रोग? दरअसल, इसके पीछे शारीरिक व मानसिक दोनों कारण होते हैं। नए शोधों से पता चला है कि मधुमेह व हार्मोन के असंतुलन से नपुंसकता हो सकती है। शरीर में किसी प्रकार के संक्रमण के कारण व्यक्ति नपुंसकता का शिकार हो सकता है या फिर शरीर में चोट लगना, उच्च रक्तचाप, धूम्रपान व मदिरापान जैसे अन्य शारीरिक कारण भी हो सकते हैं। वैसे भी आजकल बाजार में नपुंसकता को ठीक करने के लिए ढेर सारी दवाएं मिल रही हैं। अगर व्यक्ति की समझ ठीक है तो दवा की कोई जरूरत नहीं है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति को कोई शंका हो तो डाक्टर की सलाह के बाद ही उसे किसी दवा का इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए। ऐसी ही किसी समस्या का हल जानने के लिए आज ही कॉल करें!!!! Contact Best sexologist in Lucknow  

Sexual dysfunction with Dr. PK Jain Sexologist Clinic (Best Ayurvedic Sexologist & Sex Counsellor Lucknow)

Smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, and other unhealthy habits also may hurt your sexual function. On the flip side, regular exercise, weight loss, and stress management could improve your sex life. Sexual problems often develop when your hormones are in flux, such as after having a baby or during menopause. Consult with Dr. PK Jain is one of the best sexologist in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Dr. PK Jain having expertise in sexual issues / problems / disease. He's also one of the best Ayurvedic Sexologist, Ayurvedic Therapist in Lucknow & East UP. Dr. PK Jain Sexologist Clinic (Best Ayurvedic Sexologist & Sex Counsellor Lucknow) Bans Mandi Crossing Shop No.1, UGF, Hotel Continental Naka Hindola Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226001

Sexual Incompatibility

  Sexual Incompatibility-: Sexual Incompatibility Syndrome - PIS is related to sexual anxiety and an inability or refusal of healthy partner relationships. Psychopaths tend not like their partners, it makes them a bit weak too (think someone with severe PTSD) so they don't trust themselves enough for each other's feelings. The idea is that if you're all alone together in the dark room doing nothing but wondering what just happened next, then your chances are better than some random stranger who likes having sex since he doesn;t really understand how hard this can be sometimes. This means there must have been more problems between him/her compared his brain was making up excuses. Dr. PK Jain is one of the best sexologist in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Dr. PK Jain having expertise in sexual issues / problems / disease. He's also one of the best Ayurvedic Sexologist, Ayurvedic Therapist in Lucknow & East UP.

Vaginal Atrophy(Dr. PK Jain Sexologist Clinic (Best Ayurvedic Sexologist & Sex Counsellor Lucknow)

  Vaginal atrophy can be diagnosed with a detailed history and comprehensive physical examination. On physical examination, the vagina is dry, with pale, frail tissue, and lacking the normal mucosal ridges and folds. The expected elasticity and pliability associated with a well estrogenized vagina maybe absent. If you suffer from this problem, then you should concern with Dr. PK Jain.
Testosterone deficiency is a more common problem among men than you would like to believe. Most men recoil away from the idea of seeing a doctor just to avoid hearing the words or thinking it is a problem that has affected them alone. Another reason that men fail to consult a doctor is that 85% of them are unaware of the problem. In case you suspect or notice yourself of possessing erectile dysfunction, it is time that you paid the sexologist a visit. The main aim is to not to be scared and not to shy away from it, but to consult a doctor and cure the problem. Ayurvedic treatment is a permanent solution for this problem. Dr. PK Jain is one of the best sexologist in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Dr. PK Jain having expertise in sexual issues / problems / disease. He's also one of the best Ayurvedic Sexologist, Ayurvedic Therapist in Lucknow & East UP.  
  नपुसंकता यानि (Erectile dysfunction) उस यौन संबंधित रोग को कहते हैं जो इंसान के शरीर में वीर्य कम या खत्म हो जाता है और इसी कारण वह संतान की प्राप्ति नहीं कर सकता । कईं बार सिर्फ नपुसंकता (Erectile dysfunction) का होना सैक्स समस्या नहीं हो सकता बल्कि इसके दूसरे कारण भी हो सकते हैं । इसके पीछे दूसरे शारीरिक कारण भी हो सकते हैं नपुसंकता होने के कारण (Causes of Erectile dysfunction) दिल संबंधी रोग, जैसे – हार्ट अटैक, थक्का लगना आदि । डायबटिज़ बल्ड प्रैशर कैंसर डिप्रैशन नशीली दवाओं के सेवन द्वारा शराब का उपयोग धूम्रपान. Book your appointment now-:   Dr. PK Jain Sexologist Clinic (Best Ayurvedic Sexologist & Sex Counsellor Lucknow)
Are you not able to please your partner in your sexual life? Well, the answer is very important. How improve your performance in bedroom determines your relationship on daily life style. In the present year, a large number of males have suffering from erectile dysfunction – a medical issue which has affected the lives of many across the world. If you are also suffering from ED problem and think that nothing has worked so far then you need to find out about the erectile dysfunction treatment which can improve your sexual power so that you can spice-up your bedroom life once again. CAUSES OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION:- • Smoking • Pelvic Steal Syndrome • Diet and Exercise • Venous Insufficiency • Stress • Hypertension • Arteriosclerosis • External Causes: • Bicycling • Priapism • Snoring Stops Sex • Obesity • Psychological Causes: Depression, Disorder Therapy, Anxiety Or Psychosis, Fear, Guilt, Stress, Performance Anxiety Or Moral Inhibition. • Relationship Causes. • Hormonal Cause- Diabetes,...

Sexual Health (Ayurvedic Treatment with Dr. PK Jain Sexologist Clinic Best Ayurvedic Sexologist & Sex Counsellor Lucknow)

Sexual health   is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. According to Ayurveda, there are three pillars of life: The right diet, a good sleep and a balanced sex life. A deficiency or imbalance in any one of these columns, results in complaints in the body and mind. What are the types of sexual dysfunction? Sexual dysfunction generally is classified into four categories: Desire disorders: lack of sexual desire or interest in sex Arousal disorders: inability to become physically aroused or excited during sexual activity Orgasm disorders: delay or absence of orgasm (climax) Pain disorders: pain during intercourse Who is affected by sexual dysfunction? Sexual dysfunction can affect any age, although it is more common in those over 40 because...

Low Testosterone Symptoms In men.

You can reduce your sex issues by using some home remedies. Any underlying physical conditions will be treated in an effort to improve sexual functioning. Medication may be given to increase testosterone levels, decrease prolactin, treat thyroid disease or diabetes, or address high blood pressure. If sexual dysfunction seems to be due to medications for another condition, Dr. PK Jain may prescribe an alternative with fewer sexual side effects. If you smoke, drink alcohol, or use any recreational drugs, you'll be encouraged to stop. Dr. PK Jain will also recommend you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Get a Quick Appointment  Now you can order Medicine at your doorstep. डॉ पी.के. जैन, बासमंडी क्लिनिक शॉप नं। 1, यूजीएफ, बंस मंडी क्रॉसिंग लाटूस रोड, होटल कॉन्टिनेंटल के पास, लखनऊ, उत्तर प्रदेश मोबाइल नंबर :- 9415402646 डॉ पी. के. जैन, महाराणा क्लिनिक 1 स्टेशन रोड, ज़ेब टॉवर, महाराणा प्रताप क्रॉसिंग, हुसैन गंज मेट्रो स्...