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Sexual Side Effects Of Self Medication In Youth | यौवन में स्वयं दवा के यौन दुष्प्रभाव

Many teens and young adults surveyed did not feel that their sex lives were hindered by their sexual dysfunction. Among those who were distressed, women were more likely to report that sexual dysfunction affected their sexuality than were men (31% vs 9%, respectively). Pain during intercourse was the dysfunction most likely to impact women’s sex lives, followed by a lack of desire, difficulty reaching orgasm, and lack of pleasure during intercourse. Premature ejaculation, lack of sexual desire, lack of pleasure during intercourse, and difficulty reaching orgasm were most prominent in hindering men’s sex lives.

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डॉ पी.के. जैन, बासमंडी क्लिनिक

शॉप नं। 1, यूजीएफ, बंस मंडी क्रॉसिंग लाटूस रोड, होटल कॉन्टिनेंटल के पास, लखनऊ, उत्तर प्रदेश

Contact No:- 9415402646

डॉ पी. के. जैन, महाराणा क्लिनिक

1 स्टेशन रोड, ज़ेब टॉवर, महाराणा प्रताप क्रॉसिंग, हुसैन गंज मेट्रो स्टेशन के पास, होटल मेरा मन के पास, लखनऊ

Contact No:- 9415027773

#NationalYouthDay #ErectileDysfunction #SexualHealth #Impotence


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